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Chapter 14 Discussion Forum

Chapter 14 Discussion Forum

Q The result in the Sawyer case (p. 321) seems harsh - we all know the attorney promised to pay the paralegal because we can hear a recording of him making that promise. Is it fair to enforce the statutes of frauds rigidly in a case like this?

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In this case I do not have the consent to the court's explanation that, wherein it at long last announced that the President did not have the specialist to issue such a request. The Court found that there was no congressional rule that approved the President to claim private property. The Court additionally held that the President's military power as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces did not reach out to work question. The Court contended that "the President's capacity to see that the laws are steadfastly executed negates he is to be a legislator." Also, it was the, the evidentiary run which barred invested individuals from affirming largely affected oral contract cases in light of the fact that regularly, the offended party and respondent were the main observers to the casual assention ("Cases Moot on Appeal: A Limit on the Judicial Power", 2018).